
Multilingual Research Team of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature




The multilingual research team is funded by Fudan University World-class University and Academic Discipline Initiative, aiming to promote multilingual foreign-language education in Chinese universities and foster a sustained force in researching multilingualism in the Chinese context. In close collaboration with the Multilingual Learning Center at Fudan University, the research team integrates the research expertise from the English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Arabic language studies, and focuses on Chinese students’ multilingual development and the sociolinguistic consequences of multilingualism in Chinese society. The research area is divided into four main strands:




1. Multilingual development, second foreign language acquisition and teaching

Research into cross-linguistic influences involved in multilingual development, and into second foreign language theory building in order to support the teaching and learning of students at the Multilingual Learning Center.



2. Multilingual learners cognitive/affective processes and identity 

Research into Chinese multilingual learners’ metacognition, motivation, beliefs, attitudes, and social psychological dispositions that may affect their multilingual learning. Particular attention is paid to the complex dynamic systems of  simultaneous foreign language learning.



3. Multilingual language policy and language ideology

Research into how the multilingual ideology is disseminated through university and institutional language policy and media discourse, and into the socio-political consequences of these policy and planning activities. Recent research projects also include family language planning in migrant or transnational population.  


为多语种中心的培养计划、教学目标等提供学术支持。依据欧洲共同语言参考框架(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;CEFR)对语言能力的界定,基于实地调查后提出符合复旦本科生水平的多语能力培养目标。

4. Multilingual teaching and evaluation of learning outcomes

Research into the curriculum design, learning objectives, language assessment of Chinese multilingual learners. Based on the CEFR, we aim to propose multilingual learning objectives (with respect to different languages) appropriate for Chinese university students.



Team members:

郑咏滟,应用语言学博士(香港大学),williamhill威廉希尔官网williamhill威廉希尔官网教授,博士生导师,现任副院长。研究方向应用语言学、多语发展、复杂动态系统理论、高等教育语言政策等。近期研究课题包括中国学者的英汉双语论文写作研究,以及高等院校国际生的全英语课程实施研究。发表中英文学术论文近60篇,发表在Current Issues in Language Planning, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Language Policy, System, Journal of Scholarly Publishing、《外语教学与研究》《现代外语》、《中国外语》等。她同时担任System期刊编委会成员,《复旦外国语言文学论丛》编委会成员。获上海市第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖。

Yongyan Zheng, Yongyan Zheng, PhD in Applied Linguistics (University of Hong Kong), is Professor/Vice Dean of College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University. She is interested in applied linguistics, multilingual development, complex dynamic systems theory, and language policy in higher education. She is currently working on research into Chinese scholars’ bi-literacy practices in scholarly publishing, and into the implementation of EMI (English as Medium of Instruction) for international students. Her publications have appeared in Current Issues in Language Planning, Journal of Mutilingual and Multicultural Development, Language Policy, System, Journal of Scholarly Publishing, etc. She also serves on the editorial board of the international journal System.



Jing Ai currently teaches Japanese in the Japanese Department. Her research interests include Japanese language teaching and comparative cultural studies. She has published 6 textbooks, 5 journal articles, and several translated works. As the founding Associate Director of the Multilingual Learning Center, she was responsible for drafting the center’s mission statement and curriculum design. She is now in charge of curricular management, multilingual testing of the Multilingual Learning Center, and involved in undergraduate exchange program development of Fudan University.


刘佳琦,应用语言学博士(早稻田大学Waseda University),现任williamhill威廉希尔官网williamhill威廉希尔官网副教授、日文系副系主任。刘老师一直致力于二语/多语语音习得、语音可视化教学、中介语语音语料库建设及应用研究。最近,刘老师还参与了外语教师多语产出及学术发展、日本移民及留学政策的语言规划研究。主要研究成果发表于Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, Waseda Nihongo Kyoikugaku [Waseda Studies in Japanese Language Education]。在国内获5项国家或省部级科研项目立项,参与国际交流科研项目3项,入选日本博报财团资助高级访问学者。

Jiaqi Liu, PhD in Applied Linguistics (Waseda University, Japan), is now Associate Professor of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, and vice dean of the Japanese Department at Fudan University. Her research interest includes second language and multi-language phonological acquisition, pronunciation teaching, experimental phonetics, translanguaging practices. She is currently working on research into Chinese students’ multilingual phonological development, and Chinese researchers’ multilingual practices from a Research Multilingually framework. She is the principal investigator of five national level research projects concerning the cross-linguistic studies of phonological perception and production in multilingual languages. Her major publications have appeared in Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, Waseda Nihongo Kyoikugaku [Waseda Studies in Japanese Language Education].



Huiling Cui is an associate professor of Korean Department at Fudan University. She received her B.A, M.A and Ph.D in linguistics from Fudan University, and was also educated at U Penn(USA), Seoul National University(Korea) and University of Vienna(Austria) as a visiting scholar. She is interested in family language planning and policy, language policy in higher education, typology and Korean language education. She completed several research projects funded by the Chinese government, and published nearly 20 papers.


冯予力,语言学博士(香港城市大学),现任英文系副教授。研究方向: 理论语言学,主攻形式语义学以及语义学与句法和音韵等分支的界面研究。她所研究的语言包括汉语、英语及日语,研究内容涵盖量化、事件语义、极性理论、语气词与韵律的互动等主题。她目前负责两个学术课题的研究,分别与数量表达以及语气词的跨语言对比有关。学术成果发表于Lingua、《当代语言学》、《当代修辞学》等期刊。

Yuli Feng received her PhD in Linguistics from the City University of Hong Kong in 2014, with her PhD dissertation having won the outstanding thesis award of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. Currently she works as an associate professor in the English Department, Fudan University. Dr. Feng’s research interests are semantics, syntax-semantics interface, and semantics-phonology interface. She has worked on multiple languages, including Chinese (Mandarin and Shanghainese), English and Japanese, and a variety of research topics, including quantification, eventuality, polarity theories, particles and prosody. She has two on-going projects concerning the cross-linguistic investigation of the semantics of quantificational expressions and discourse particles in multilingual languages. Her major publications appeared in LinguaDangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics), Dangdai Xiucixue (Contemporary Rhetoric), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, and Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics.



Xiuchuan Lu, PhD in Spanish Linguistics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) with the scholarship of China Scholarship Council. She joined Fudan University in 2015 and is now an associate professor in the Spanish Department. Her research interests include Chinese students´ acquisition of Spanish as a second or third language, multilingual studies, comparative studies of Chinese, English and Spanish grammar, etc. She is the principal investigator of a national level research project and participated several projects of linguistics studies and foreign language education.  She is also a translator of Spanish literature.



Yang Song is currently an assistant professor at the English Department of the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Fudan University. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2014. Her research interests include EMI in higher education, translanguaging, digital literacies, discourse analysis, and journalism education. Her current research projects focus on EMI and digital literacies of advanced EFL learners, emergent online news genres, and semiotic construction of elite and grassroots identities in urban China. She teaches undergraduate-level courses on cultural studies, discourse analysis and argumentation for English-major students at Fudan University.



Hao Chen, Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics of Philology Faculty of Madrid Complutense University in Spain, is currently an assistant professor in the Spanish Department of Fudan University. He has visited the city of Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. His main research interests include: second language acquisition (Spanish, Chinese, etc.), comparative studies of Chinese, Spanish, English, cognitive linguistics, language policy. He has published several papers.



秦文娟,哈佛大学教育学博士;williamhill威廉希尔官网外国语言文学学院讲师。主要研究方向为应用语言学、第二语言习得,尤其专注于青少年阅读、写作以及思辨能力发展。目前主持2019年教育部人文社科青年项目“青少年英语学科核心素养测评体系及影响因子研究” 。其研究成果多次在Journal of Second Language Writing, Journal of Pragmatics, Reading and Writing等国际权威期刊上发表。

Wenjuan Qin graduated from Harvard University with a doctoral degree in Education and recently joined the faculty of College of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University. She specializes in studying applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and especially how adolescents develop reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. She is the principal investigator of the project entitled Assessing and Scaffolding Core Academic English Skills of Adolescent EFL Learners, funded by the Ministry of Education of China. Her research is featured in multiple prestigious academic journals including Journal of Second Language Writing, Journal of Pragmatics, Reading and Writing.



Xiaomin Yang, Ph.D. in Japanese language and literature of Shanghai International Studies University in China, is currently a lecturer in the Japanese Department of Fudan University. Her main research interests include: Japanese linguistics, comparative studies of Chinese and Japanese, cognitive linguistics research, second language acquisition, etc. She has carried several scientific research projects,and has published two monographs and a number of papers.



Jing Liao, PhD in Arabic Languge and Literature (Shanghai International Studies University, SISU), is currently the associate director of the Multilingual Learning Center in College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan Univeristy. Her research interests include multilingual teaching, Arabic Linguistics and Arabic language teaching. She was a lecturer of Arabic Language and Literature Department, SISU, China; post-doctoral of SISU; visiting scholar of Aix-Marseille University, France; exchange student of Cairo Univerity, Egypt. She published a monopraph, and ten research articles both in China and Arab countrie. Her PhD and MA thesis have been awarded the Shanghai Excellent Graduate Achievement (Dissertation).



Longxing Wang is Assistant Professor at the Spanish Department of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University. He received his doctoral degree from the Complutense University of Madrid. His research interests include Latin American Studies, Discourse Analysis, language policy and language ideology, Cultural Studies. His current research projects focus on the Chinese Image Portrayal in Latin American Newspapers and the family language planning of Chinese immigrants in Latin America.


李昕,语言学博士,毕业于荷兰乌特勒支大学语言学学院 (UiL-OTS),现任williamhill威廉希尔官网williamhill威廉希尔官网英文系讲师。主要研究领域为实验语音学和实验音系学,主要研究方向为语音产出、语音感知和语音习得。现主持上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题“关于声调的表层到底层的映射感知的跨语言研究”(2019–2022)。已出版英文专著一部,发表EI收录论文两篇,ISCA收录论文一篇、CSSCI论文一篇。曾获乌特勒支大学荣誉优秀毕业生(Cum Laude) ,2016年Labphon最佳论文奖等荣誉。

Xin Li received her PhD degree (Cum Laude) in 2019 from Utrecht Institute of Linguistics. She is currently working as an assistant professor in English Department of Fudan University. Her main research areas are experimental phonetics and experimental phonology, and she is particularly interested in the production, perception, and acquisition of tones by cross-language groups. She is the principal investigator of an ongoing (2019 – 2022) research project on surface-to-underlying tone mapping by cross-language groups, funded by Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. She was the winner of Labphon Best Paper Award (by the Association for Laboratory Phonology) in 2016.

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