Russell Palmer

Department: Department of English Language and Literature

Job Title:Young Researcher

Highest degree: PhD 

Research interestseighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature; children’s literature, Robinson Crusoe and the robinsonade, popular literature, reception studies, book illustration, literary material culture, transmedial adaptation.

Work Experience

Before joining Fudan University in 2023, Russell Palmer was a post-doctoral researcher at the Research Center Gotha, University of Erfurt and then moved to Shanghai to teach in the School of Foreign Studies, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. 

Editorial Work 

Editorial Assistant of ANQ, a quarterly A&HCI journal (Taylor and Francis / Routledge)

Editorial Advisory Board, Post-Medieval Archaeology (A&HCI)


Undergraduate: British Children’s Literature, Englishness and the Arts, Introduction to Writing (Parts I & II)

Graduate: British and American Children’s Literature, The Rise of the Novel in Eighteenth-Century Britain



Captives, Colonists and Craftspeople: Material Culture and Institutional Power in Malta, 1600–1900 (New York: Berghahn, 2021).


Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

1. “Pricing, illustration, and marketing Robinson Crusoe, 1719-1747.” ANQ 36.4 (2023): 503-506 (A&HCI)

2. “Empire, Crypto-colonialism, and British earthenware in the 19th-century Mediterranean.” Historical Archaeology (2023, Online ). (A&HCI)

3. (with Michael Given) “Historical Archaeology and the Mediterranean.” Historical Archaeology (2023, Online (A&HCI)

4. “Slavery, captivity and galley rowing in early modern Malta.” Antiquity 95.383 (2021): 1280–1297. (A&HCI &SSCI)

5. “Illustrating Gulliver and the Lilliputians in 1727 and 1728.” ANQ 34.4 (2021): 311-318. (A&HCI)

6. “The Globalization of Penal Space in Nineteenth-Century Malta.” Journal of Historical Sociology 34.2 (2021): 323–349. (SSCI)

7. “Visual criticism in the illustrations of Robinson Crusoe: reading Allart and Vis’ 1791 Dutch edition.” AAA: Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 46.1 (2021): 15–42. (A&HCI)

8. “Post-medieval Maltese earthenware and its makers: unearthing a forgotten industry.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 24.2 (2020): 422–455. (A&HCI)

9. “Contextualizing the Cruel Sufferings of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers: a historical materialist perspective.” ANQ-A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 31.1 (2018): 11–17. (A&HCI)

10. “Graffiti as Historical Data: The British Army and the Inquisitor’s Palace (Birgu) in the early nineteenth century.” Melita Historica 17.2 (2018): 37–49.

11. (with Simona Raneri, Paolo Mazzo Nicholas C. Vella, Germana Barone, and Wim De Clercq) “Neighborly ties: Characterizing local and Sicilian pottery in post-medieval Malta.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19 (2018):575–587.

12. “A Functional Analysis of Glass from an Officers’ Mess, Malta.” Malta Archaeological Review 11(2012–2013, published Jan 2017): 41–50.

13. “Religious Colonialism in Early Modern Malta: Inquisitorial Imprisonment and Inmate Graffiti.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 20.3 (2016): 548–561. (A&HCI)

14. (with Laura McAtackney). “Colonial Institutions: Uses, Subversions, and Material Afterlives.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 20.3 (2016): 471–76. (A&HCI)

15. “Maltese Ceramics and Imperial Foodways: An Exploration of Nineteenth-century Red Wares.” European Journal of Archaeology 17.4 (2014): 678–701. (A&HCI)

16. “Coleridge, Material Culture, and Malta.” ANQ-A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 27.1 (2014): 5–12. (A&HCI)


As Editor

(with Laura McAtackney) Colonial Institutions: Uses, Subversions, and Material Afterlives. Special Issue of International Journal of Historical Archaeology 20.3 (2016). (A&HCI)


Book Reviews and Conference Reports

1. “An Archaeology of Lunacy: Managing Madness in Early Nineteenth-century Asylums.” Post-Medieval Archaeology 54.3 (2020): 384–385. (A&HCI)

2. “Italy and Britain between Mediterranean and Atlantic Worlds: Leghorn: ‘an English Port.’ Edited by Hugo Blake. Archeologia Medievale 19, 2015.” Post-Medieval Archaeology 52.3 (2018): 430–431. (A&HCI)

3. “Trans-imperial Cooperation and Transfers in the Age of Colonial Globalization: Towards a Triangular History of Colonialism? 22.03.2018–24.03.2018 Gotha / Erfurt.“ H-Soz-Kult, 03.05.2018, <>.

4. (with Natascha Mehler) “Historical Archaeology at EAA Istanbul, Sept. 10–14, 2014.” The SHA Newsletter: Quarterly News on Historical Archaeology from Around the Globe 47.4 (2014): 5–6.


Presentation: “Transnational circulation and interpretation in Robinson Crusoe frontispieces, 1719-c. 1800.” Fudan-Nanjing-SISU Young Scholars Forum (10 June 2023, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University, P. R. China).

Keynote: “Cosmopolitan Aspirations and The Lilliputian Magazine (1752).” Cultural Confidence , Cosmopolitanism and Literary Studies (2023.05.19-21, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang, P. R. China).

Invited discussant: 2023.04.26, School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, P. R. China.

Invited discussant: 2023.04.20. School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

Invited lecture: “British Ceramics in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean: Negotiating colonial and disciplinary borders.” Intertwined Histories Series (2023.04.04, Society of Antiquaries of London, London, UK).

Invited lecture: “Robinson Crusoe Portrait Frontispieces and the Transnational Development of a Literary Icon, 1719-1789.” (2023.03.08, School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, P. R. China).

Conference paper: “Literary Transmission and Mark Anthony Meilan’s ‘Children in the Wood’.” Forum for Eighteenth-Century British Studies in China (2022.06.11, SUFE. Shanghai. P.R. China).

Conference paper: “From Broadside to Chapbook: Novelizing ‘Children in the Wood’.” Literature and Reception Studies: Approaches, Models, Practices (2021.10.23–24, SUFE, Shanghai, P.R. China).

Conference paper: “Illustrating ‘Children in the Wood’ in late eighteenth-century America.” Interdisciplinary Studies of Children’s Literature: The Third International Children’s Literature Symposium (2021.10.15–17, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, P.R. China).

Conference paper: “Material Strategies and the Business of American Pocket Almanacs.” Marketing, Publishing and Pocket Books, c. 1750–1850 (2021.10.09, SUFE, Shanghai, P.R. China).

Conference paper: “Staffordshire-on-Sea: Ceramic manifestations of empire in the nineteenth-century Mediterranean.” PMAC2021 (2021.05.28–30, UK, online).

Conference paper: The Connecticut Pocket Almanac and the Babcocks of Connecticut, c. 1790–1810.” RSAP 2021 Digital Symposium (2021.05.27, USA, online).

Keynote: “Seeing and Speaking in The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes.” The 8th International Conference on Narratology & The 11tth  Seminar on Narratology in China / 第八届国际叙事学研讨会 暨第十一届中国叙事学研讨会 (2023.November 5-6, School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Gongshang University).

Invited lecture: “The Limits of Practical Ethics in The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes.” (2023.10.11, School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, P. R. China).

Honor and Awards 

Election to the Fellowship of the Society of Antiquaries of London (2021)

Barra International Fellowship at The Library Company of Philadelphia and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (2018)

Dr. Liselotte Kirchner Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Francke Foundations, Halle (2018)


Office address: College of Foreign Languages and Literature Building, Room 513


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